
Three times the sum of three consecutive integers is 72 what are the integers

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Answer:Click here to see ALL problems on Equations  Question 410453: Three times the sum of three consecutive integers is 72. What are the integers?(Scroll Down for Answer!)Did you know that Algebra.Com has hundreds of free volunteer tutors who help people with math homework? Anyone can ask a math question, and most questions get answers!OR get immediate PAID help on:Type Your Question Go!!!Answer by rfadrogane(214) About Me  (Show Source):You can put this solution on YOUR website!Three times the sum of three consecutive integers is 72. What are the integers?Sol'n:3(x+x+1+x+2)=723x+3=243x=24-33x=21 x=7x+1=8x+2=9thus the integers are: 7,8 & 9Step-by-step explanation: